
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Confessions of a Fish Breeders Award Program (BAP) Veteran

I’m kinda getting interested in breeding aquarium fish, so I interviewed Larry Brown on how he’s managed to breed so many different kinds of fish as a hobbyist (including saltwater fish)! Larry runs the Breeders Award Program for our local fish club, and he gave me a tour of his amazingly diverse fish room. (If his name sounds familiar, it’s because Dustin’s Fish Tanks has released THREE videos featuring his fish room.) Topics include:
▶ What fish are recommended for first-time breeders?
▶ What's the secret for successfully raising fish fry?
▶ What is the Breeders Award Program (BAP)?

Related Links

Confessions of an Aquarium Addict series
Fish Room of a Legend Larry Brown's house

Question of the Day

What kind of aquarium addict would you like to see me interview next? Comment below to share your suggestions because I'd love to hear them. Don't forget to enjoy your aquarium and I’ll see you next time!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, where I share practical fish care tips to help busy aquarists spend more time enjoying their aquariums! 🎮❤️🐟

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