
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Confessions of a Fish Breeding Entrepreneur

Ever wonder what it takes to convert your fish breeding side hustle into a full-time job? As part of my new series “Confessions of an Aquarium Addict,” I interviewed Greg Sage of Select Aquatics about what it takes to run a one-man aquaculture business from his basement and how he became the premier source of rare livebearers in the US. Topics include:

▶ What are your main challenges when starting a fish breeding business?
▶ How do you differentiate yourself from the competition?
▶ How do you decide which species to breed?
▶ What's the secret for making online fish sales profitable?
▶ How do you get new customer leads?
▶ What is Greg's favorite and least favorite part of the job?
▶ What is Greg's #1 piece of advice for someone wanting to breed fish for a living?

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Question of the Day

What kind of aquarium addict would you like to see me interview next?* Comment below to share your suggestions. Good luck with your fish keeping and I'll see you next time!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, where I share practical fish care tips to help busy aquarists spend more time enjoying their aquariums! 🎮❤️🐟

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