
Friday, January 19, 2018

New Year, New Tank, New Video

A Gamer's Wife - backstory on freshwater aquariums  - YouTube thumbnail

Happy new year! Was your 2017 as crazy as mine? Last year I...
  • Stopped being a full-time stay-at-home mom and started working again
  • Sent my first kid off to kindergarten
  • Celebrated our 10-year anniversary
  • Burned out on work-life balance and had to relearn how to fun
  • Took a break from fish keeping and then came back again
Despite all the trials and changes, it's seriously been the best spiritual season of growth and transformation I've had in a while, and my relationship with God has been so sweet. I've become more confident in who I am, more chill with my expectations and workload, and just... more able to relax and do nothing again. God let me dig myself into a low, low place of my own making – a slave to my to-do list – and then began "Operation R&R" to heal my soul. I'll talk about it sometime later, but as a result, it's shaped (and shortened) my new year's resolutions for 2018:
  • Get 8 hours of sleep
  • Start a habit of family devotions
  • Try cycling as a hobby
  • Learn how to edit videos
For Christmas, Mr. Gamer got me Wondershare Filmora video editing software, and I'm excited to tinker around and make some YouTube videos. I haven't yet determined what my niche will be, but as part of Operation R&R, I'm just having some low-key fun, not shooting for perfection, and slowly learning by doing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little 1-minute background story on how I got interested in keeping fish. I also plan on talking about my other hobbies like gaming and photography, so please subscribe!

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