
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Where Have I Been?

Anne (aka A Gamer's Wife) here. Wow, you would not believe all that I've been through since last year. Here's a few updates:

1) My husband is trying to get out of the video game industry

That's right, folks. After two decades of being a video game developer, first in art then as a designer, K has decided to quit his "dream job." Making video games is hard work, both for giant companies and indie start-ups, and in this season of his life, he wants to spend more time with his young kids and have more creative control over his work. K dreams of making comedy videos, creating YouTube tutorials for painting miniature figures, writing a novel, patenting his many ideas, and more.

So we'll see what direction God takes us. I'm currently back to working remotely for a marketing company as a technical writer, and my oldest kid has just started school (what?). I think because I've been writing so much for my job, it's actually gotten my own creative juices flowing. I'm wanting to blog again, and it doesn't feel like a chore. I think beforehand, I really focused on making content that I thought would attract the most readers, but it eventually burnt me out. Now I'm feeling the call to really speak what's going on in my life, what I'm really interested in and not necessarily the most popular clickbait-y subjects.

2) I'm really active on Instagram follow me there if you haven't already! I'm not hardcore into photography, but it's been fun doing the FMS Photo-a-day challenge and connecting with people through Insta. I mostly follow accounts about fish, art, Denver Broncos (my husband is a fan), and science facts.

A Gamer's Wife Instagram - best nine of 2016 collage

3) I no longer own fish

Okay, that's a partial truth. Background: in the year 2016, I went off the deep end in collecting and raising freshwater community fish. Like, borderline obsessive. And you know, it's surprisingly hard taking care of fish! I definitely learned a lot of lessons, which I'll probably be sharing here. After my main aquarium got wiped out by disease a second time, I decided to take a break and start over again. Now I own an axolotl (so creepy cute!) and I love him! I also have a planted nano tank with a blue betta fish from Petco. In my free time, I like watching YouTube videos on fish and pet husbandry, even though K will never let me get more pets (probably better for my sanity that way).

GFP leucistic axolotl and melanoid axolotl

Anyway, looking forward to spending more time with you on this website, being real, growing through life together. And I hope you'll join me too. Here's to the new A Gamer's Wife!

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