
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Knitting in Movies – Love & Other Drugs

Haha, I was actually in the middle of typing another blog entry while throwing in a Netflix disc, and suddenly there it was: a spontaneous occurrence of a knitted creation in a movie and I actually remembered to take a picture! Little did I know that this movie is chock full of knitted clothing and accessories, so I found myself frequently pausing the movie for yet another photo opp. Luckily K wasn't around to get annoyed. ^_~

Knitted hat in Love & Other Drugs movie
This is the hat that caught my attention and made me grab my camera. I want that hat.

Knitted hat in Love & Other Drugs movie
Side view of the awesome hat

Knitted sweater in Love & Other Drugs movie
Okay, this probably isn't handmade, but cool sweater all the same

Knitted scarf and cardigan in Love & Other Drugs movie
Knitted scarf and cardigan in the same shot!

Knitted pom-pom hat in Love & Other Drugs movie
Haha, gotta have the classic pom-pom hat

Looks like the key to finding knitted stuff in movies and TV is making sure the story takes place in the winter. :) Anyway, hope you enjoyed these pictures. Now I just gotta make that slouchy hat... looks like someone already put together a pattern for it!

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