
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Introducing My New Pinterest Account

Pinterest account for A Gamer's Wife

I've finally done it – I've joined Pinterest. I've been resisting it all this time as yet another social media channel to time-suck my soul, but then my sister-in-law gave me a personal demo when we came a-calling and... it just went downhill from there. I love the whole idea of having a visual record of saved recipes or DIY home projects for a later date, like Ravelry for non-yarn crafts. So far, I've spent a lot of time cataloging a bunch of my past craft-related blog posts, but then I decided to take a break from self-promotion and collect all of the Disney Dream Portraits taken by Annie Leibovitz

Taylor Swift as Rapunzel from Tangled, taken by Annie Leibovitz
Taylor Swift as Rapunzel

I don't know what it is about this series that captures my heart, but I love Leibovitz's fantastical scenes and seeing Disney characters from my childhood brought to life. Anyway, if you have a Pinterest account, come follow me so I can see what you all are pinning as well!

P.S. In other social media news, I successfully uploaded a photo a day for the entire month of February onto my Twitter account, and boy, was it fun but hard! I think I'm going to take a little break, especially since I've been inspired by a recent read, One Thousand Gifts, to make a list of 1000+ things I'm thankful for. It's a great discipline for seeing/seeking God's presence in everyday life, so it'll be interesting to see how long it takes me to get there. Belated New Year's Resolutions, anybody?

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