Remember how we participated in the
local zombie crawl last year? This time, we decided to visit our friends and participate in their much larger, 20,000-person zombie walk event. In preparation, I decided to knit Dexter a little brain cap using the
Simply Spring Beanie and lots and lots of i-cord.
Brought back several hues for K to choose from since he's the zombie expert of the family |
What a yummy cute looking little noggin! |
Last year K had the crazy makeup job and I had the interesting costume, so this year we decided to switch it up, especially since K was itching to try out some new techniques on me that he had learned at a zombie makeup class. Due to a lucky coat find at a thrift store, K was able to make the perfect Bane costume from The Dark Knight Rises. Add a shaved head with a bite mark and some green makeup, and now he's zombie Bane!
Better watch out, Batman! |
With K as a highly recognizable character and Dexter rockin' the baby brain cap, they were a lethal combination for bystanders and their cameras. We could hardly take 10 steps without being asked for a photo opp. After spending so much time on our costumes and faces, K was absolutely soaking up the attention. :)
My lovely family |
Surrounded by the paparazzi |
I'm not sure how I feel about Dexter participating in zombie crawls once he's old enough to remember since it might be too scary for kids, but K thinks that it's not a big deal if he sees how special effects makeup is done from a very young age. Hmm, we shall see...
Love the baby brain hat!
Oh wow, what a totally awesome costume choice, I bet he felt utterly spoilt with all the extra attention. What did you go as? Dex looked adorable btw lol
I'm loving your blog, as a future wife of a game streamer ;) please keep up the blog, every other one of its kind has gone down and all us girls need support!
That's an insanely amazing hat by the way. :)
@Ingrid - Thanks so much! It was quite the hit. :)
@Sammy - Haha, I'm glad he stayed in a good mood with all those camera flashes going off. I found a dress that looked like something from the late 1800's (think Little Women or Little House on the Prairie). It was kinda domestic/maternal looking, so whenever I held Dexter, people thought he was a doll. And then he would move and they would shriek in surprise. ^_~
@Carey - Awww, thank you so much for the encouragement! It's a bit harder now with a kiddo to take care of, but I'll definitely keep writing. ^_^
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