
Monday, October 29, 2012

Baby's First Zombie Walk

Remember how we participated in the local zombie crawl last year? This time, we decided to visit our friends and participate in their much larger, 20,000-person zombie walk event. In preparation, I decided to knit Dexter a little brain cap using the Simply Spring Beanie and lots and lots of i-cord.

pink yarn for zombie brain cap
Brought back several hues for K to choose from since he's the zombie expert of the family
knitted baby zombie brain cap
What a yummy cute looking little noggin!
Last year K had the crazy makeup job and I had the interesting costume, so this year we decided to switch it up, especially since K was itching to try out some new techniques on me that he had learned at a zombie makeup class. Due to a lucky coat find at a thrift store, K was able to make the perfect Bane costume from The Dark Knight Rises. Add a shaved head with a bite mark and some green makeup, and now he's zombie Bane!

Zombie Bane from Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises
Better watch out, Batman!
With K as a highly recognizable character and Dexter rockin' the baby brain cap, they were a lethal combination for bystanders and their cameras. We could hardly take 10 steps without being asked for a photo opp. After spending so much time on our costumes and faces, K was absolutely soaking up the attention. :)

Zombie Bane from Batman and his baby brain snack
My lovely family
Bane at the zombie crawl
Surrounded by the paparazzi
I'm not sure how I feel about Dexter participating in zombie crawls once he's old enough to remember since it might be too scary for kids, but K thinks that it's not a big deal if he sees how special effects makeup is done from a very young age. Hmm, we shall see...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Mad Hattery

Remember those newborn photos we had taken when Dexter was 2 weeks old? Well, I guess I must have impressed our photographer because she asked if I could make her some baby hats in trade for some more high res shots of our little one. Sure, why not? So I cranked out two gender-neutral accessories that seemed like surefire crowd pleasers:

crochet baby bear hat
Lesson learned: Dexter does not like wearing hats that cover his ears. But he's so stinkin' cute!

crocheted baby elf hat
Yay for baby elf ears!
The photographer was so giddy over the first batch that she asked for two more: one really girly and one really boy-y, so I obliged.

crocheted baby girl flower beanie
Somehow Dexter knew he was being forced to cross-dress...

crocheted baby newsboy hat 
The newsboy hat was too small to fit on Dexter, so the staircase banister will have to do
If that wasn't enough, my original crochet teacher Lisa has been blessed with her first kiddo, and when I asked her what I could make for their son-to-be, she responded, "Hats!" :) There is an infinite number of ways to accessorize baby girls, but boys seem to only get, well, caps and socks so I wanted to make sure my gifts were especially unique. You'll have to let me know if I succeeded:

crocheted baby boy top hat
Pip pip, cheerio!

crocheted baby headphones hat
No puny iPhone buds for audiophiles like me
Whew, my fingers are tired! No rest for the weary though; I've gotta finish Dexter's Halloween costume before the month's end. And then I should probably start working on his Christmas stocking next. It'll be nice when I can go back to creating without a deadline. O_O

Thursday, October 11, 2012

OSU Marching Band Video Game Tribute

I know this has already been passed around the interwebs, but this is just too cool! Both being former band geeks, K and I thought the running horse from Zelda around the 6:00 minute mark was the most impressive:

In other news, I have a) learned how to feed Dexter handsfree and therefore b) regained my crocheting and knitting mojo. Now that I have an actual baby to test out my creations, I'd say my talent for fit has drastically improved. As predicted, my bunny peacoat and hat set didn't quite work out because the age group sizes didn't match. Oh well, I still think he looks absolutely adorable. It's always nice to get thank you pics from recipients of your hard work. :)

Baby bunny costume

Next up: a photo flashback of what I've been up to these past few weeks...