
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Holy Poo-Catcher, Batman!

I have a confession to make: I'm an incognito cloth diaper user. No altruistic reason behind it; I just like saving money. To minimize cost while maintaining some semblance of convenience, I standardized on bumGenius one size pocket diapers, all purchased secondhand via Craigslist. No fancy patterns, just a solid palette of unisex pastels. However, I know many a cloth diapering mom who are addicted to decorating their babies' bums in the cutest possible way, and that includes ordering custom tailored diapers. Normally I would never consider purchasing such frivolous luxuries, but then I came across this creation by Cadoozled...

Batman WAHM custom cloth diaper by Cadoozled

Batman WAHM custom cloth diaper by Cadoozled

Batman WAHM custom cloth diaper by Cadoozled

Oh. My. Goodness. Soooo coool! Who knew tush wrappers could be so geekalicious? This is one of the many times when I wish I could sew. Please tell me she's making a Wonder Woman diaper next. :)

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