I have a confession to make: I'm an incognito cloth diaper user. No altruistic reason behind it; I just like saving money. To minimize cost while maintaining some semblance of convenience, I standardized on bumGenius one size pocket diapers, all purchased secondhand via Craigslist. No fancy patterns, just a solid palette of unisex pastels. However, I know many a cloth diapering mom who are addicted to decorating their babies' bums in the cutest possible way, and that includes ordering custom tailored diapers. Normally I would never consider purchasing such frivolous luxuries, but then I came across this creation by Cadoozled...
Oh. My. Goodness. Soooo coool! Who knew tush wrappers could be so geekalicious? This is one of the many times when I wish I could sew. Please tell me she's making a Wonder Woman diaper next. :)
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