Monday, December 19, 2011
Greener Pastures
Ahh, I had something like 8 posts built up and pre-scheduled and now I'm totally out. The reason why the drop in blogging/social media is because of several major events all train-crashing at the same time. Sound familiar? Just a year and half later after moving to another state because of K's new job, he's once again looking for work. In this case, the entire studio was abruptly shut down, with management giving the reason that not enough profit was made on their latest release. Honestly, it wasn't a big surprise, with all the bad choices made by the higher ups and the long 5-year development time (similar to what happened with L.A. Noire).
Layoffs are of course nothing new for us. However, given that this is the 4th company K's worked for in the 4 years we've been married... it's getting a little old. The video game industry is so immature in many ways, squeezing all the life out of kids right out of school (aka cheap labor) and then having the attitude that "you should be so lucky to make games for a living" when you complain about the long working hours. No wonder the median age for developers is around 25.
K has always wanted to have his own business and make money being his own boss, since it's been pretty discouraging investing so much of your life in an industry that will literally get rid of you at any time. That being said, entrepreneurship has its own risks and I'll admit, I'm scared! Gahhh, I know God swept us off our feet during our last major decision making crisis, single-handedly providing us both new jobs and moving us 1000 miles across the country. I just have a huge problem with letting go of control and trusting Him to know best (stupid, right?). I was raised not to expect anything and to just roll with the punches. Yet, during last week's sermon about weathering life's storms, the pastor said, "You must have faith with expectation." He gave the example of the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 who asked Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant, yet knew that Jesus didn't even have to come into the house but just say the word. I need to truly believe, in my worrisome heart and not just in my brain, that the Lord will provide and will work "for the good of those who love him" (Romans 8:28), even if it may not be my limited idea of "good." ^_^;;;
Anyway, please pray for us. K is totally at peace about all this. He's working on a creative venture with his brother right now until the severance pay runs out and then... we'll see!
I think it's great how these events point you back to trusting in God. I'll pray for you! :)