
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Winner of the October Giveaway

Using a random number generator, I'm happy to announce LeeAnn as the winner of the October scarf giveaway. And to the rest of you who filled out my survey, thank you so much for your valuable feedback!

In terms of results, everything was so close that the most important information I gleaned out of this survey was the "bottom 3" of what most people aren't as interested in:
  • Video game 101 (e.g. "what is an RTS?")
  • Movie reviews
  • Top video game lists
So for those of you who are gamers versus crafters (or both), no need to worry because I'll have plenty of slots to write about both topics with the new biweekly schedule. It also makes sense that people visiting a blog called "A Gamer's Wife" would want to read more about the video game industry and being a gamer's wife, so I'll definitely make sure to bug K more about his crazy work experiences. Thanks again for your support and keep the comments coming!

Random pic of some Halloween decorations I'm working on


  1. Is the spider receiving medical treatment? :P Very cute. I am impressed at your ability to work in small detail and can imagine you'd be great at lace type work.

  2. Hehe, you made me laugh; the spider does look like he's getting acupuncture! The glue to stiffen the web and spider legs was still drying, hence the pins everywhere. I've got another surprise Halloween decoration in the works, but it's on hold till I finish my sister-in-law's birthday gift (how did it creep up on me??).


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