
Friday, October 8, 2010

The Allure of LEGO

Since moving to the new state, my primary friends have all been K's family. We're living with K's parents, Mom and Dad, so it's great actually getting to know them for the first time in our 3 years of marriage. Plus, I get to hang out with my two nephews (K's younger brother Steve's kids). The older boy Obi just started first grade and then Mom takes care of 4-year-old Oscar when he's not in preschool.

Obi has been absolutely obsessed with LEGOs, especially after watching his mom Polly play LEGO Indiana Jones, LEGO Star Wars, and LEGO Batman on the Wii. For his birthday last month, he received no less than 5 LEGO sets. The funny thing is that K, an adult almost 3 decades older than Obi, is equally as fascinated with tiny plastic blocks. We visited one of his friends at a LEGO video game studio, and they just have bins and bins full of every block ever made, even the specialty sets. Check out his Minifig creations:

Mortal Kombat set

Street Fighter set

Can you tell who all the characters are? Click to enlarge for more detail. I personally think the four-armed characters like Goro are the most impressive.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! These LEGOs are the greatest...this is added to my "stuff-to-get-my-boyfriend" list.


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