My original baby blanket idea was actually a grid of different knitting stitch patterns, to help me learn how to do needlework with two sticks instead of one. After laboriously completing a mere 3 squares, I came to realize that knitting is a sport best left for sweaters and shawls, not afghans that must be completed under 9 months.
Luckily, I came across Melissa Mall's Starry, Starry Night baby blanket. It suddenly dawned on me: what if I did a creative twist to her pattern and made tons of tiny invisibility stars from Super Mario Bros.? Thus the idea was born, the yarn was bought, and my eyes bled yellow, white, and blue for a solid month. End result: a baby blanket worthy of geek royalty!

If you'd like more details about the hook size and types of yarn I used, see the notes on my Ravelry page.
I am IMPRESSED! What a great job! I'm sure your gift will be treasured for years to come.
This is so very cool! I love this theme for a nursery. I'm sure they will love it!
It's the cutest ever! Greetings from Italy!
Thanks so much! So cool to have Italian readers. ^_^
Greetings from the UK! This blanket is fabulous - will be featuring on my blog this week :)
Aeris - you're so sweet! Thanks so much for the plug. Your Grumpy Cat perler bead project is adorable. :)
Wow! Looks amazing! How did you do the eyes on the big and little stars? I started this proyect and it's looking great but didn't have a clear guide on the eyes. Please advise. Thanks!
Sure thing! For the small stars, I just made a single running stitch of black yarn for each eye. For the big star, I crocheted a black oval and then cut out a smaller white felt oval that was sewed on top of the black oval. Hope that helps. :)
I would love to start this project in the near future and I was wondering how you got the points on the blanket to curve? My mother and I were trying to figure it out and I decided I might as well ask the creator.
Oops, unfortunately I think the curved star points were an accidental outcome. I have no idea how to replicate it. ^_^;;
OMG! TAKE MY MONEY!!!! love love love this!
OMG!!!! TAKE MY MONEY! This is just AWESOME! LOVE IT! perfect little baby blankie. :)
Can't wait to get started. I have 3 months until my little guy is born.
Good luck and congratulations!
How did you get the tips to curve?
Unfortunately, I think the curved points were a total accident, probably because of my tension when I did the decreases/increases. Sorry!
Do you remember what yarn you used for this pattern? It is absolutely adorable!
Jessica - Yes! I have a full list of the yarns I used on my Ravelry page. You'll have to create a free login if you don't have one already, but it's really easy. Good luck!
Hi! I'm currently working on making this and loving it!! I'm just wondering, what did you do for the black border on the star appliques? Did you sc or sl st around? Thanks!!!
@Sbelle - Wow, it's been a while since I made this blanket, but I think I just did an extra round of slip stitches around the edge in black. Hope that helps!
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