So by the year 2008, I really should have known better than to think "small and homemade." I had this great idea to make a cute cross stitching pattern I had found online, but the cost of raw materials was, what, $7? And then K comes home one day with mysterious package from Best Buy and asks, "Uhhh, honey? How much do you want to spend on Christmas gifts each other this year? $100 or less?" Oops.
Luckily, the "what would K want" brainstorming session wasn't too painful. I ended up tacking on a pull-up bar and ninja knife-eye attack shirt (don't ask). I think he was pretty happy about the overall package too! Here's the final result of my original Christmas gift:

1 comment:
That is an awesome picture! DH has completely worn out his "Know your Roots" shirt with a classic controller - think he'd put a sign like that up in his cubicle? Found you through The Gamer's Wife - nice to see there's more of us in blogland!
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