Being so tightly integrated with the latest technologies, the video game community naturally has an overwhelming presence online. Let me give you an example. I met my husband K at a singles church retreat a couple years ago, and something about me sparked his interest. When he later followed up with a "let's do coffee" email, I idly Googled his name to see what I could see.
Now when I type my name into a search engine, I get everything from a realtor to retired oncologist to a 9-year-old making her first website. When I entered K's slightly unusual name, all 85 matches referred to him, even the ones translated into Chinese. We're talking press releases, developer's diaries, production credits, gameographies, even IMDB for the voice acting he had once contributed for a game. I immediately emailed my BFF, "I'm dating a freaking movie star!" Okay not really, but you get the point. While commoners such as myself seek to erase all traces of personal information from the web, K's professional career benefits from as much searchability and prominence as possible. Marrying K has opened my world to this whole other beast: the entertainment industry.
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